Friday, August 13, 2010

As you can see, I've changed my blogskin! すてきですね。Took hours to search for a right one and the HTML was acting all bitchy, that's why I've to abandon my Live Traffic Feed! How sad! may be I should look for another one when I'm free.

Do you know that keeping a pet can actually enhance your health? I read this article today and well, some of the facts were pretty unbelievable!

  1.  A study spanning 20 years showed that people who own cats are 40 per cent less likely to die from a heart attack. While, dog owners had a better survival rate a year after a heart attack.
  2. Cat owners have been found to have lower strokes in comparison to those who own dogs or no pet at all. It partly has to do with the effect of owning a pet on your circulation.
  3. Children who grown up in a household with a cat or a dog were less likely to have allergies, asthma and common skin conditions. This is because animals aren’t exactly the cleanest things so babies that are exposed to pets and a greater exposure to dirt have a stronger immune system. *I should show this to my mom!*
  4. It will take only 15 minutes for anxiety and stress levels to reduce when you are around a cat or a dog. You body changes physically during that space of time that makes a big difference in your mood. The stress hormone cortisol is lowered and serotonin is increased.
  5. The simple act of stroking a pet has been found to lower a person’s blood pressure. A study involving stockbrokers with high blood pressure who adopted a cat or dog had lower blood pressure readings in stressful situations than did people without pets.
  6. Researchers have found that owning a pet can lower your levels of cholesterol. Having a pet has the potential of making it easier to avoid the dangers of cholesterol which is thought to be down to the lifestyle factors of pet owners.
  7. Stroking a pet has a calming effect on everyone and taking care of an animal helps a person to feel better about them self in regards to the way that they spend their time. They're actually letting you focus on them rather than focusing inward on yourself all the time.
  8. Surprisingly one in three dogs picks up the scent of the chemical reaction in the body when blood sugar levels get dangerously low. They therefore can be trained to raise the owner’s awareness when this happens.
    *courtesy of Flora McCraith, MSN*
    In short, they are encouraging us to keep CATS! Well, yeah~ dogs are fine. But, don't you realise there's much more benefits from owning a cat. I still prefer dogs tho, even though kittens are cute. I guess that's just about everything I want to say now. Goodnight, peeps!
    *signing off*

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